USB-2405 - 4-CH 24-Bit 128kS/s Dynamic Signal Acquisition USB 2.0 Module (OEM version available)

USB-2405 - 4-CH 24-Bit 128kS/s Dynamic Signal Acquisition USB 2.0 Module (OEM version available)
Main features
  • USB 2.0 et alimenté par bus USB
  •  ADC Sigma-Delta 24 bits avec filtre anti-alias intégré
  • 4 entrées analogiques avec un échantillonnage simultané jusqu’à 128 Ke/s
  • Couplage d’entrée AC ou DC sélectionnable par logiciel
  • Déclenchement analogique/numérique et étalonnage automatique complet
  • Prise en charge de la sortie d’excitation 2mA sur chaque voie d’entrée analogique pour la mesure du capteur IEPE
  • Support du logiciel d’analyse temps-fréquence – Visual Signal
  • Système d’exploitation pris en charge: Windows 7/8 x64 / x86, Linux et MAC

The USB-2405 is a 24-bit high-performance dynamic signal acquisition USB module equipped with 4 analog input channels providing simultaneous-sampling at up to 128 kS/s per channel. The USB-2405 also features software selectable AC or DC coupling input configuration and built-in high precision 2 mA excitation current to measure integrated electronic piezoelectric (IEPE) sensors such as accelerometers and microphones.

The USB-2405 delivers high precision, DC and dynamic measurement performance with very low temperature drift. The onboard 24-bit Sigma-Delta ADC supports anti-aliasing filtering, suppressing modulator and signal out-of-band noise and providing usable signal bandwidth of the Nyquist rate, making it ideal for high dynamic range signal measurement in vibration and acoustic applications.

The USB-2405 supports digital and analog trigger sources and flexible trigger modes, including post, delay, middle, gated, and pre-triggering for efficient data acquisition with no need for post-processing. The USB-2405 is USB bus powered and equipped with BNC connectors and removable spring terminals for easy device connectivity.

Prix HT : 999999,00
