GSB-01 & GSB-02 - Multiplex Scanner Box

GSB-01 & GSB-02 - Multiplex Scanner Box
Main features
  • GSB-01 (8CH High Voltage Scanner Box)
  • GSB-02 (6CH High Voltage and 2CH Ground Bond Scanner Box)
  • Front & rear input connector design is suitable for the GPT-9800/9900/9900A series
  • A maximum of 4 scanner boxes (32 CH) can be connected to one GPT-9800/9900/9900A series
  • High-intensity LED for Channel, Status & Judgment indications
GSB-01 Multiplex Scanner Box, 8-Channel High Voltage Scan
GSB-02 Multiplex Scanner Box, 6-Channel High Voltage Scan & 2-Channel Ground Bond Scan

GW Instek presents a dedicated option, multiplex scanner box, for specific safety tester series. This multiplex scanner box, GSB-01/02, has a function that distributes the test voltage or current provided by the GPT-9800/9900/9900A series to multiple test points. Up to eight channels can be used for outputs on one scanner. Operator can conduct AC/DC withstanding, insulation resistance and ground bond test on test points depending selected scanner model. Furthermore, up to four scanners can be connected to the tester, allowing a maximum of 32 channels. These features ensure highly reliable and labor-saving for electrical and electronic equipment with multiple test points.

An electric potential mode for each channel – HI (voltage applied), LO (return) and X (open mode) can be set either by the front panel operation or through commands by the USB/GPIB(Option) of GPT-9800/9900/9900A. The multiplex scanner permits specified setting – AC/DC withstanding or insulation resistance or ground bond tests on assigned one of the eight test channel. For example, you can set CH1 ~ CH3 to HI (high voltage) and CH4 to LO.

It adds the following functions to the GPT-9800/9900/9900A tester:

  • One scanner extends the output to eight channels. A potential of HI, LO, or X can be set for each channel and an AC/DC withstanding voltage, insulation resistance or ground bond test can be conducted at any eight test points depending on model of scanner.
  • A maximum of four scanners can be connected to one GPT-9800/9900/9900A tester. This allows the output to be extended to up to 32 channels.

This allows labor-saving, reliable withstanding voltage, insulation resistance or ground bond testing of electric or electronic equipment or electronic components with multiple test points.
